Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert (CCIE) is considered the most prestigious certification to be attained by networking professionals. CCIE exam consists of two parts, the Written exam and Lab exam, hence it becomes crucial that the study plan to be prepared to keep in mind the weightage as per the syllabus of the paper the candidate appears for.
Advantages of SPOTO CCIE Lab Training Courses
- 100% Pass Rate SPOTO can guarantee
- 100% Real Exam and Questions SPOTO provides
- Professionals Tutor Teams SPOTO has

CCIE Lab Preparations Tips:
· Accumulate All Required Study Resources
Without any argument, it is considered the most important of all the steps. For preparing well for your written exam, you would require certain things such as the preparation kit, CCIE blueprint from the resources, and relevant books than the ones available from Cisco. Ensure that you would acquire access to workbooks, and they would also be helping you out for preparing better and more effectively along with the previous exam dumps. But make sure you select reliable training dumps such offered at the SPOTO Club.
Depending on your preferred learning style, you are required to stack up the necessary study materials and study according to the methods which would be best suited to you namely,
· Reading
· Videos: Multiple vendors provide amply
· Flashcards
· Cisco Labs
· Go Through Format of The Exam
The candidates are required to be well versed with the exam format. The new CCIE exam would be including multiple-choice questions, multiple options questions, and lots of scenario-based problems. It would be able to help you out understanding about managing your time across the entire exam session. Opting for ample mock tests and simulation exams would help you out in gaining more traction in your preparation. As per the new announcement in the current Cisco event, CCIE certification would be required only a lab exam over 8 hours, which would be segmented in 5 and 3 hours, in the case of CCIE enterprise infrastructure.
· Prepare A Study Schedule ( Bootcamp / Self Study / Study Group )
Once you would have thorough with your aggregation of resources and have revised the exam format, you would be required to prepare a daily schedule for balancing your preparation time and your work life if you would be choosing to continue. It would be able to help you out in dividing your time as per the syllabus and the requirement of section-time. You are required to focus more time on topics requiring more attention and have more weightage on the weekends since you would be able to dedicate more time. If you would be planning to attend a boot camp, assure that you can assign sufficient time for the same, amounting that you would have time for practicing them on a simulator.
· Take Regular Breaks As Necessary
Preparing for CCIE in a short time is undoubtedly going to take a toll on mental strength. Hence, it is essential to schedule sufficient break time and proper sleep amidst your preparation for the same. Assigning adequate time to practical labs, as you would be having a short time, it’s considered advisable to work on it at the weekends or after completing the theoretical part of the courseware since it would help you out in gaining more tracts over the topic.
Thus, following the tips mentioned above would help you out in clearing the CCIE Lab Exam. Also, with these tips, do enroll yourself in the training courses offered by the SPOTO. It will ensure your success in achieving your dream certification.
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