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The following is the Newest CWNA exam demos:

1.An RF signal sometimes bends as it passes through some material other than free space. What is the term that describes this behavior?
Answer: B

2.What can an impedance mismatch in the RF cables and connectors cause?
A.Fewer MCS values in the MCS table
B.Excessive VSWR
C.Increased amplitude of the RF signal
D.Increased range of the RF signal
Answer: B

3.What factor does not influence the distance at which an RF signal can be effectively received?
A.Free Space Path Loss
B.Receiving station’s radiosensitivity
C.Transmitting station’s output power
D.Receiving station’s output power
Answer: D

4.A WLAN transmitter that emits a 50 mW signal is connected to a cable with 3 dB loss. If the cable is connected to an antenna with 9dBi gain, what is the EIRP at the antenna element?
A.23 dBm
B.26 dBm
C.13 dBm
D.10 dBm
Answer: A
CONVERT 50mW = 17dB
(17dB) -3dB + 9dB = 23 dBm

5.In a long-distance RF link, which statement about Fade Margin is true?
A.The Fade Margin is a measurement of signal loss through free space and is a function of frequency and
B.The Fade Margin of a long-distance radio link should be equivalent to the receiver’s low noise filter gain.
C.A Fade Margin is unnecessary on a long-distance RF link if more than 80% of the first Fresnel zone is clear of obstructions.
D.Fade Margin is an additional pad of signal strength designed into the RF system to compensate for unpredictable signal fading.
Answer: D

Note: SPOTO has various exam dumps that cover all exam answers and questions. we can guarantee you can pass the exam on the first try! besides, we have provided some exam demos so that you can test yourself! what’s more, we start the exam proxy service! Join SPOTO to get your certified successfully!

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Last modified: 2021-01-05



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