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Real and Newest CISSP Exam Demos below:
Q1. Which VPN protocol provides mutual authentication tunneling?
A) L2F
Answer: A
Q2. Which organization created the seven-layer OSI reference model?
Answer: A
Q3. Which cable standards can be used with Ethernet? Choose all that apply.
A) ThinNet
B) ThickNet
Answer: ABC
Q4. In which topology is every computer connected to its neighbor?
A) Bus
B) Ring
C) Mesh
Answer: B
Q5. Which statement describes fiber optics?
A) Not affected by electromagnetic interference
B) Shielding provides for longer runs than twisted pair
Answer: A
Q6. Which protocols are supported by the session layer? Choose all that apply.
Answer: ABD
Q7. Which direction does data logically flow in the OSI reference model?
A) Down the layers on the source machine and up the layers on the target machine
B) From one layer on the source machine to the same layer on the target machine
C) From the top layer on the source machine to the bottom layer on the target machine
Answer: B
Q8. IPSec can operate in conjunction with which other protocol?
B) L2F
Answer: C
Q9. Which statements are true regarding the OSI reference model? Choose all that apply.
A) Defines seven distinct protocol layers
B) Specifies how dissimilar systems can communicate
C) Developed by the ISO
D) Layers communicate with all other layers
Answer: ABC
Q10. Which statement describes ISDN?
A) Allows digital communication without modulating into analog
B) Allows up to 56-KB connection speed
C) Provides different upload and download speeds
Answer: A
Q11. Which statement describes a bus topology?
A) All nodes are connected to every other node
B) All nodes are connected to a central device
C) All nodes are connected to a shared media
Answer: C
Q12. Which type of signaling is one in which the entire media is filled with one signal?
A) Baseband
B) Broadband
Answer: A
Q13. A tree topology is one in which nodes may be connected to more than one bus.
Answer: A
Q14. Which is a function of the network layer?
A) Provides a logical connection between machines
B) Determines the best way to get data to the destination
C) Ensures message delivery
Answer: B
Q15. Which is a function of the physical layer?
A) Transmits a bitstream onto the physical media
B) Resolves physical addressing
C) Handles data packet transfer
Answer: ??
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