Before sitting for the PMI ACP certification exam, as with all other exams, you should practice with as many PMI ACP sample exam questions as possible. This is a general rule for all exams. The more you practice, the better your skills will become. Take the free and most recent sample questions below to put your knowledge to the test!

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Further Reading:

2021 Updated PMI-ACP Practice Test 1

2021 Updated PMI-ACP Practice Test 2

Question #1

Which layer of the product planning structure defines details at the capability or feature level?

A. Iteration
B. Roadmap
C. Release
D. Wave

Correct Answer: C

Question #2

In an Agile approach, at which meeting does a team examine the effectiveness of risk responses by conducting a risk audit?

A. Release planning
B. Sprint planning
C. Sprint Retrospective
D. Daily Scrum

Correct Answer: C

Question #3

The ScrumMaster and the Product Owner disagree on the value of a Product Backlog item. In order to resolve the disagreement, the first step the ScrumMaster should take is to ask:

A. The Product Owner to clarify the requirement.
B. The business owner to resolve the problem.
C. The business analyst to research the product value.
D. Another project manager how to resolve the problem.

Correct Answer: A

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Question #4

Which management style does Agile advocate?

A. Task
B. Team
C. Product
D. Performance

Correct Answer: B

Question #5

Collaboration can be defined as working together to jointly produce a deliverable or make a decision, whereas coordination is:

A. Agreeing on a due date.
B. Sharing information.
C. Agreeing on the design.
D. Pair programming.

Correct Answer: B

Question #6

Project managers use velocity to determine:

A. If the team is committing to an appropriate amount of work for the iteration.
B. How much work each team member is capable of completing during an iteration.
C. How much work teams that are similar in size are capable of completing during an iteration.
D. If the Product Owner is prioritizing work appropriately in preparation for iteration planning.

Correct Answer: A

Question #7

The most powerful capability of Scrum teams is that they:

A. Work in timeboxed sprints.
B. Are self-organized and empowered.
C. Work from a prioritized backlog.
D. Value individuals and interactions.

Correct Answer: B

Question #8

Which type of story would be used when an estimate is not available due to lack of knowledge of the technology required to implement the story?

A. Defect
B. Slack
C. Spike
D. Nonfunctional

Correct Answer: C

Question #9

What is the responsibility of an extreme Programming (XP) customer role?

A. Testing the daily increments of the software developed
B. Writing the stories and acceptance tests for each story
C. Planning and task allocation for the developer and tester
D. Interacting closely with users and representing the XP team

Correct Answer: B

Question #10

When is the ideal time to hold a retrospective?

A. Right after iteration planning
B. Just before iteration planning
C. At the start of the next release
D. During the iteration review/demo

Correct Answer: B


Nowadays, due to changing customer demands and needs, IT organizations are undergoing a transition by shifting their focus to agile methodology in order to achieve customer satisfaction. Agile addresses these frequent shifts in demands, requirements, and priorities. The PMI-ACP certification teaches all of the Agile frameworks, including Scrum, Kanban, Lean, extreme programming (XP), and test-driven development (TDD). With this certification, you will have extensive knowledge of various Agile Practices, Principles, and Values. SPOTO can help you pass your PMI-ACP exam today!

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Last modified: 2021-11-23



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