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Get SPOTO 100% RealCompTIA Security+ Exam Answers and Questions!

1.A security administrator needs to conduct a full inventory of all encryption protocols and cipher suites. Which of the following tools will the security administrator use to conduct this inventory MOST efficiently?
B.Protocol analyzer
Answer: B
Explanation: Encryption can be checked only with a protocol analyzer

2.A company is experiencing an increasing number of systems that are locking up on Windows startup. The security analyst clones a machine, enters into safe mode and discovers a file in the startup process that runs Wstart.bat.

Given the file contents and the system’s issues, which of the following types of malware are present?
B.Logic bomb
Answer: D
Explanation: It looks like a virus. It starts programs to include itself in the runtime

3.A company has purchased a new SaaS application and is in the process of configuring it to meet the company’s needs. The director of security has requested that the SaaS application be integrated into the company’s IAM processes. Which of the following configurations should the security administrator set up in order to complete this request?
Answer: C
Explanation: SAML is the best solution to make safe SaaS federation
4.In highly secure environments where the risk of malicious actors attempting to steal data is high, which of the following is the BEST reason to deploy Faraday cages?
A.To provide emanation control to prevent credential harvesting
B.To minimize signal attenuation over distances to maximize signal strength
C.To minimize external RF interference with embedded processors
D.To protect the integrity of audit logs from malicious alteration
Answer: C.
Explanation: Faraday cages help to prevent electromagnetic interferences
5.A threat actor motivated by political goals that are active for a short period of time but has virtually unlimited resources is BEST categorized as a
C.script kiddie
Answer: A
Explanation: Threat actors motivated by political goals are Hacktivists

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Last modified: 2021-01-05



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