Taking as many PMI-ACP practice exams as possible is critical. There is no such thing as too many practice exams before taking the PMI-ACP exam. So, what are you most looking forward to? You can currently try out the PMI ACP for free! To help you prepare for the PMI ACP exam, we’ve included the most recent SPOTO PMI ACP test sample questions below.

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2021 Updated PMI-ACP Exam Practice Test 1

Question #11

The smallest amount of functionality that delivers customer value is best described as a:

A. Function point analysis.
B. Right sized story.
C. Minimum marketable feature.
D. Userstory map.

Correct Answer: C

Question #12

The best reason for extreme character personas in writing user stories is to:

A. Identify errors in product design and testing.
B. Help identify user stories that would otherwise be missed.
C. Provide precision to support vague user concepts.
D. Provide value to the Sprint planning session.

Correct Answer: B

Question #13

In eXtreme Programming (XP), analysis, design, coding, and testing phases are done:

A. At the beginning of the iteration.
B. Every day.
C. In sequence.
D. Without documentation.

Correct Answer: B

Question #14

User stories are temporary artifacts. They are considered relevant until the:

A. Team completes them.
B. End of the project.
C. Release is complete.
D. End of the sprint.

Correct Answer: A

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Question #15

In Agile projects, the technique in which planning is done at three distinct horizons is known as:

A. Monte Carlo Analysis.
B. Portfolio Management.
C. DelphiTechnique.
D. Progressive Elaboration.

Correct Answer: D

Question #16

A common reason that a story may not be estimable is that the:

A. team lacks domain knowledge.
B. business needs are prioritized over the system design.
C. developers do not understand the tasks related to the story.
D. team has no experience in estimating.

Correct Answer: A

Question #17

For the best results in an Agile project, customers should:

A. set priorities and identify product features.
B. interview new team members for fit.
C. approve development plans and tasks.
D. set sprint and release schedules.

Correct Answer: A

Question #18

What is a high-level representation of the features or themes that are to be delivered in each release?

A. Release plan
B. Product roadmap
C. Iteration plan
D. Product Backlog

Correct Answer: B

Question #19

An Agile team expects a velocity of 8. During sprint planning, the stories were estimated and prioritized in the following order:

Story A_4Story Points –

Story B_2Story Points –

Story C_3 Story Points –

Story D_2Story Points –

Which stories should the team include in Sprint 1, without splitting the stories?

A. Stories A, C, and D
B. Stories A, B, and C
C. Stories A, B, and D
D. Stories B, C, and D

Correct Answer: C

Question #20

Agile communication is effective because:

A. release and iteration planning keep team members aligned, daily synchronization eliminates confusion, and iteration demonstrations keep the team focused on deliverables.
B. Agile communication methods focus on detailed, written requirements and specifications that are more complete and allow the team to manage change more effectively.
C. the use of charts and diagrams over written reports creates clear, targeted communication, and customer involvement in monthly reviews eliminates changes in requirements.
D. daily iteration planning allows change to be managed, and weekly standup meetings ensure that impediments are quickly identified and effectively managed or removed.

Correct Answer: A


The PMI ACP exam is more popular than the PMP. You must still study the questions thoroughly and become familiar with the PMI question format. Scrum, Kanban, Lean, and XP methodologies, as well as the Agile ceremonies and artifacts that go with them, will still be required. SPOTO provides genuine PMI ACP exam dumps with validated answers to assist you in passing your final PMI ACP certification exam.

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Last modified: 2021-12-27



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