The PMP exam is difficult, and the PMI strongly advises candidates to devote significant time to reading and studying the material. Consider the most recent PMP exam practice tests for the most accurate simulation of the actual exam. The questions have been updated for the sixth edition of the PMBOK® Guide. Take our complimentary PMP practice exam to begin your exam preparation immediately.

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Further Reading:

2021 100% Latest PMP Practice Test 1

2021 100% Latest PMP Practice Test 2

21. A project is defined as:

A. A process of considerable scope that implements a plan.
B. An endeavour, which is planned, executed, and controlled; performed by people; and constrained by limited resources.
C. A temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product or service.


Option B is the correct answer. An objective based effort of temporary nature.

22. A project manager has just been assigned to a project. The document that recognizes the existence of the project is called:

A. The project assignment
B. The project charter
C. The product description
D. The statement of work


Option B is the correct answer. The project charger authorizes the project and recognizes its existence.

23. A buyer extends a formal invitation that contains a scope of work that seeks a response that will describe the methodology and results that will be provided to the buyer. This is called:

A. Request for information
B. Request for proposal
C. Request for bid
D. Invitation to bid


A request for proposal (RFP) is when a buyer extends a formal invitation with the scope of work that seeks a response that will describe the methodology and results that will be provided to the buyer. Option B is the correct answer.

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24. Which of the following is not true about the WBS report?

A. The project team must be involved in developing the WBS.
B. As a rule of thumb, each activity of WBS should take less than 80 hours.
C. WBS is usually represented in a hierarchical fashion.
D. WBS should focus in on the activities that must be performed in the project and should not focus on the deliverables.


The project team should be involved in the development of the WBS, and activities need to be decomposed into manageable chunks of 80 hours or less, presented in hierarchical way. The WBS is deliverable-centric as well, hence option D is the correct answer.

25. The receiver filters messages based on all but the following:

A. Semantics
B. Language
C. Distance
D. Culture


Distance is a communication noise, not a filter. Option C is the correct answer.

26. Control procurements belongs to:

A. Initiating process group
B. Executing process group
C. Controlling process group
D. Monitoring and controlling process group


Control procurements belongs to the Monitoring and controlling process group. Option D is the correct answer.

27. WBS includes all project work. Which of the following is also true about WBS?

A. It doesn’t include product work.
B. It does not include PM work.
C. Total of work at lowest levels need not always roll up to higher levels as some extra work may be completed.
D. None of the above.


The WBS does not include product-oriented work nor the work that needs to be performed by the project manager. It is decomposed to the lowest level or work that makes sense to the project. The correct answer is D.

28. You are the project manager for the development of a new type of power plant. Your project is making fast progress, and it is getting nearer to the day of product acceptance. Which technique will be most important for product acceptance?

A. Inspection
B. Quality audit
C. Impact analysis
D. Team review


Inspect is the technique used to determine product acceptance. Option A is the correct answer.

29. Principal sources of project failure:

A. Poorly identified customer needs.
B. Poor planning.
C. Poor control.
D. All of the above.


Poor planning, poorly identified requirements and poor control over the project are all sources for project failure. Option D is the correct answer.

30. What percentage of the total distribution are 3 Sigma from the mean equal to?

A. 0.6826
B. 0.9999
C. 0.9546
D. 0.9973


0.9973 is the correct percentage of the total distribution for 3 Sigma from the mean. Option D is the correct answer.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, if you approach the PMP exam exclusively as a knowledge-based test, you will fail. To successfully earn your certification, you must prepare to answer scenario-based questions and maximize your exam time. SPOTO provides authentic exam dumps that are updated in real-time to ensure you pass your exam on the first try!

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Last modified: 2021-11-08



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